Jessica Fellowes is renowned for her captivating and immersive writing style, especially evident in her books that intricately delve into the historical and social dynamics of the early 20th century. Born in 1974 into a family with a profound passion for the arts, she is the niece of Julian Fellowes, the visionary creator behind the acclaimed television series “Downton Abbey.” Set primarily in the time of “Downton Abbey,” Jessica Fellowes’ novels offer readers an extraordinary journey into an era characterized by elegance, societal shifts, and compelling narratives. Her ability to weave engaging stories showcases a literary talent that leaves readers with a profound appreciation for this historical era.
Currently I am reading The Mitford Murders series,a captivating collection of six books. The latest installment, released this year, stands out as one of the most exceptional reads I’ve ever experienced. While these books can be enjoyed out of order, I highly recommend starting with the first one. Certain elements within the series refer to others, making the reading experience more enriching when followed in chronological order. Below you see the first book of this series, so I recommend starting there.
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